
Due to $-thieve (since 1971) US push for more religion* against Chinese Atheism, Peter Klevius offers an existencecentrism** tutorial on the meaninglessness of "god" and the concept "meaning of life".

* The absolute majority of men and more than half of women are Atheists although they hesitate to use this word loaded as it is by US anti China Yellow Peril demonization spiced with US Red Scare propaganda. ** Do note that words like anthropocentrism, humanocentrism etc. don't cover the meaning of existencecentrism (P. Klevius 1992:21-22), because they still separate humans from "something else". According to existencecentrism, words like "nature" etc. are locked to human existencecentrism - as is any moral discussion about them.   How climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa .      How craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct . According to Peter Klevius (1992), the observable world is forever contained in our existencecentrism, while words are contained in language, with no access t

Finland's former PM Sanna Marin committed high treason and became Europe's most dangerous woman by opening up - against the will of her party - for nuke F-35s, Nato, and DCA occupation in Finland and Sweden.

Sanna Marin's actions, which destroyed Finland's and Sweden's neutrality, happened long before Russia invaded Ukraine. And Stubb wouldn't have become president were it not for Sanna  Marin's senseless and corrupt (criminal warmongering $-thieve US as editor) actions. Peter Klevius wrote: Peter Klevius obituary over Finland's lost independence on "Independence Day" 2023. Why did PM Sanna Marin commit treason and sell out Finland's neutrality and Åland's demilitarization?! December 06, 2023  Following the tradition of his mother who served in the Finnish army and chased the Nazi "allies" out of Finland, Peter Klevius, who was born long after, now defends Finland against a desperate* and therefore extremely dangerous and misery bringing dollar freeloader loser US invasion* and occupation* of Finland. * Modern China has applied a "guarded capitalism" and an anti-corruption meritocracy stance tha

Dear reader, your intellectual servant Peter Klevius is a boring intellectual coward because no one can accuse him of speculating or coming with unfounded unscientific theories which don't fit empical facts. Does that bore you?

However, precisely because of his unique total lack of economic, ideological, religious, or institutional bias (and possessing a super high IQ*), Peter Klevius is able to penetrate PC etc. barriers without making a fool of himself.  * Although Peter Klevius isn't a Jew, he feels justified to mention his intelligent because the alleged high intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews is mentioned all over the place - and explained by Peter Klevius as having nothing to do with Judaism but everything to do with Jewish slave trade in the north nwhere they married highly intelligent native women, who in turn got their high intelligence as the result of human evolution. Although Homo evolved in the SE Asian archipelago as Peter Klevius has thoroughly proved since 2012, their small but highly intelligent brains got a real boost in the north where it filled much bigger "mongoloid" (cold adapted) skulls in a demanding, yet extremely rewarding cold environment with endless resourc