Finland bows for the worst ideological crime ever* - even to the price of sacrificing democracy!

* A burqa not only signs sharia, which is contrary to the view of the European Court of Human Rights, but also signs an offence against other women as "whores".

A tiny "liberal" party supports islamism instead of the safety and prosperity of people in Finlamd - incl. many non-sharia "muslims".

When Finland finally got an islam-critical party (PS) in the government, the criticism against it instead of against islam began immediately, as I predicted earlier. Swedish People's Party chairman Anna-Maja Henriksson was so offended (as was the BBC etc. US controlled media) that PS's chairman Riikka Purra said that burkas resemble sacks (Boris Johnson thought they resemble mailboxes) that she now threatens to break the government if Purra continues to be "racist", i.e. critical of islam. Political bigoted hypocricy at the highest level because the small Swedish People's Party only got into government thanks to the PS islam-critical voters who made PS almost level with Finland's biggest party Kokoomus!

Atheist Ahmed Salman Rushdie was born a muslim. Therefore, he was threatened by islam everywhere, not just by Iran. But unlike Sunni terrorism against the non-muslim "infidels", supported by the islamist Saudi dictator family, Iran supported Shia muslims do not terrorize us non-muslim "infidels". It is the dollar embezzler (1971-) the United States who, together with the islamist Saudi dictatorship (the "custodians of islam"), turned the world against Iran instead of against the core of the most evil in islam. I say this as an Atheist (since I turned 14) and against "monotheistic" religions in general and islam in particular - because in order to fully comply with the basic human rights in the UDHR in 1948, monotheism is always an obstacle. Just look at how Christianity is now bowing to islam!

Acknowledgement: Because this was originally written in Swedish I tried 'Google translate' - which not only capitalized 'muslims' and 'islam' but not Atheism, but also eliminated 'the custodians of islam' which was written in English!

Peter Klevius wrote:

Monday, April 3, 2023

Today BBC produced itself as the ultimate proof that the West's package of lies about "high moral" and "democracy" is a laughing stock.

War mongering and racist BBC "news", which has been flooded with Finland and Sanna Marin before the election, didn't say a word today after Sanna Marin lost - but later today made a big thing of Stoltenberg's announcement that Finland is declared a Nato member.

 Riikka Purra leads Finland's only "islamophobic" party, the Finns Party. Although most European countries have such a safety lock against islamism, UK lacks one.

Deliberately and constantly lying BBC has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity since its start! And

Think about it! The world's biggest fake media should stand trial for all suffering it has caused around the world with its deliberate lies, warmongering and support for terrorism!

Instead of telling about the election result BBC casually filled its morning "news" program with hedgehogs, Dickens, Muppet show, and complains about Bits not getting their passports because the passport workers were striking and queuing in food banks (but BBC supports more money to the military).

The Finnish "islamophobia" party came second with 46 seats after the right wing party with 48 seats, and Sanna Marin's socialdemocrats only third with 43 seats.


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